When was the last time you checked your programmable thermostat? If it’s been a while, right now’s a good time to perform some well-needed thermostat maintenance. Part of that maintenance includes checking the batteries and changing them as needed.
Batteries help your programmable thermostat retain its settings in the event a power outage occurs. If your batteries run out of juice, you could lose those settings along with the ability to properly control your HVAC system. For these reasons, it’s important to know when it’s time to change your thermostat batteries.
During Every HVAC Check-Up
Annual HVAC system checkups offer a perfect opportunity to proactively conduct thermostat maintenance. If you want to be on the safe side, simply change your thermostat batteries every time you perform your annual checkup.
When the Low Battery Indicator Appears
When the batteries are nearly depleted, a low battery indicator will appear on your thermostat’s display. Some thermostats feature a light in lieu of an on-display indicator. At this point, your batteries may have another month or two of life remaining, making it a good time to change your batteries.
When the Display Goes Blank
If the display goes completely blank, that means your batteries are completely dead. A dead set of batteries will leave your programmable thermostat unusable, leaving you unable to control your HVAC system. You’ll also lose your thermostat’s pre-programmed settings. If you get this far, you’ll have no choice but to change the batteries.
Proper thermostat maintenance is the key for a long-lasting HVAC system. To learn more, contact us at CCAC. We proudly offer quality heating and cooling services throughout Corpus Christi and the surrounding area.
Our goal is to help educate our customers in Corpus Christi, Texas about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems). For more information about your HVAC system, download our free Home Comfort Guide or call us at 361-678-2495.