July Fourth is just around the corner. Time for barbecues, pool parties, and fireworks. Of course, it’s also the middle of summer in Corpus Christi, which means it’s blazing hot. How do you keep your guests cool and comfortable during your Fourth of July extravaganza? Here are a few tips.
Minimize sunlight.
The morning of your party, before things start to heat up, close the blinds and pull the curtains in your home, to keep direct sunlight out. This will keep things cooler when people are indoors. For outdoors, put up a large awning or tent, to provide shade from the heat.
Use fans.
A few well-placed fans around the party area can work wonders. Not only does feeling the breeze on their skin make your guests feel cooler, but the fans will keep the air circulating, to dissipate the heat. Use them inside as well, too keep everyone cool without having to crank the A/C too high and waste a lot of energy.
Keep hydrated.
When the temperature gets high, it’s important that everyone get enough to drink. Make sure there’s plenty of water available for your guests at all times, to keep them cool and refreshed. Serving foods like watermelon and celery sticks helps too, as they have a lot of water in them. Soda, on the other hand, can actually dehydrate you, as can beer and other alcoholic drinks. Keep that in mind as you decide what beverages to serve at your party.
Grill everything.
The barbecue is a staple of any July Fourth party. But it’s also a lot more versatile than most people realize. Vegetable dishes can be cooked on the grill as well. You can even use it to bake cookies! Plan your menu so that any cooking is done outdoors on the grill, rather than inside. If you can avoid turning on the stove or oven at all, you’ll make things a lot cooler for everyone.
For more tips on keeping cool, on July Fourth and any other time, contact us at CCAC. We proudly serve the Coastal Bend’s heating and cooling needs.